aloT of Poetry

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Before LOVE

Love predates history

It created the way to describe

when the sunrise hits your face

for the first time.


Love is what ignited the story of you and I

partners by day and lovers at night.

We are the stars in the night sky crushed into

Twilight dust we find our way to eachother.


Lighting up another life

because we choose to.

We push our boundaries

and burst into our futures.


Splashed in paint is the portrait of our commitment... trusting another person

Is to take your ego by the neck and force it to swallow the pill of humbleness instead of regret.


Love- It’s the song that we never stop singing

Even when the words hurt and our throats are stinging.

It has meaning

You’re willing to listen

Rather than dread the silence after the screaming.


If you could look into my lungs you'd see they're not jut filled with air but with molecules of compressed love.



I didn't know it could be like this.

I never used to wonder what you taste like.

The feeling of you pressed against my lips.

Holding our bodies close to suffocate any distance.

I'd never felt like this.

Wondering how your mind works

If thoughts of me drive you crazy

Of if its just me.


Is it just me with a heart that waits for you before it can find strength to beat?

Is it just me that waits

for our eyes to meet?


Beautiful tears made of silver and gold

Leaving rusty roads on the map of my face.

That glow up when you enter the room.


My face is drenched in this feeling.

And it might be just me.

But I hope I’m strong enough.

Because nobody else sees me the way you do.

As clearly as you do.

And if I lost you

I'd hold on.

The sun would unset.

Time would reset.

And I'd be frozen

In the moment


Just before I said: I love you